Celebrating Alexandria

She believed she could,
so she did.

In Honor of Alexandria

This site is dedicated to celebrating Alexandria Margarite Dixon and the far-reaching impact she has had on our world.

For those who knew Alexandria, we hope the memories captured on this site can be of comfort to you. For those who did not know her, we hope that you will learn more and take inspiration from her. For those who suffer from Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), we hope the resources included here can be of benefit to you.

We love you, Alexandria. Now and forever.

Get to Know Alexandria

Learn about our beautiful girl, the remarkable woman she became, and her many accomplishments.

Hear about Alexandria from those closest to her as shared during her life celebration on October 26th, 2024.

Read about the impact Alexandria has had on the many lives she touched.

Alexandria was a force for good. Here, we will capture key updates and milestones as we work to build on her legacy.

As we continue to advocate for and support patients with MCAS, we will share related resources we think could be helpful.

Please consider making a donation in Alexandria's honor to the organizations she supported.